Volunteer with us

Volunteers make an invaluable contribution to the work of Children First Foundation. We couldn’t do what we do without their support.
We warmly welcome volunteers at our Retreat in Kilmore (approx. 1 hour from Melbourne CBD) – this is where the children are cared for during their treatment. Volunteers must be over 18 years of age and work alongside our staff helping with tasks you’d find in any family home and providing 24/7 care and support for these amazing children. We also have volunteer teachers and interpreters; nurses and drivers; gardeners and handy persons. If you’d like to volunteer with us, just bring your enthusiasm and a willingness to help and if you have any special skills and interests, come and share them.

The first step towards volunteering at the Retreat is easy – simply email [email protected] with your responses to the following questions:

First and last name
Phone number
Email address
Why do you wish to volunteer?
Is there a particular skill or interest you wish to share?
What days of the week are you available?
Do you prefer morning or afternoon? 
How often would you like to volunteer? Weekly, monthly, as needed?
Is English your first language? What other languages do you speak?

We will contact you for a personal meeting to discuss volunteering in more detail.

All our volunteers are required to obtain Working with Children and Police checks and adhere to our Child Safety Standards: these are legal requirements for all organisations that provide services for children. We can help you with the process to obtain these.

Volunteer in South Australia

Children requiring craniofacial surgery are treated at the Craniofacial Unit in Adelaide. Our SA Volunteer Team provides support and friendship to the parents or guardians of these children while they undergo surgery and treatment at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital.
If you live in South Australia and you’d like to know more about joining this dedicated team, please email [email protected]  

Volunteers and COVID-19

The Children First Foundation Retreat is classed as a healthcare setting and is subject to the Victorian government’s Vaccination Mandate.
In order to volunteer or work at The Retreat, you must be able to provide evidence that you are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 or have a medical exemption.