Feel Good Friday!


 Lubomba from Zambia is now standing on two feet and feeling strong!


Lubomba and his mum

Imagine 14-year-old Lubomba’s excitement at being able to run around with his friends and join in with their games rather than sit on the sidelines!

A few years ago, Lubomba got a severe infection in his lower left leg that would never completely go away. It kept returning again and again and again. The only way to stop the spread of the infection up his leg was to amputate his leg below the knee. So, in July last year, Lubomba lost his leg.  

It’s hard to imagine what it must be like to lose your leg as a child. You must ask for help with even the simplest of tasks. As a 14-year-old boy wanting to find independence, this must be heartbreaking.



Watching your child undergo such trauma and sadness must have been devastating for his parents. But for a child, like Lubomba, to lose their leg – it’s unimaginable how hard that is on body and spirit.

The great news is that thanks to you, he now has a prosthetic leg and a whole new exciting path has opened for him! He’s not just feeling good now; he’s feeling fantastic!

He is also so grateful - grateful for the treatment, for his new leg, and in awe of your support. People from Australia care SO much about him, his leg, his health, and even his future! Lubomba and his mum shyly recorded this thank you message just for you!

It is nearly impossible not to smile when you watch it! 
Make sure you have the sound on and watch until the end to see the difference you have made.

On behalf of Lubomba, him mum and myself, thank you for your care and all your support. Thank you for changing his life!

With heartfelt gratitude,

Jessica Redwood
Chief Executive Officer